Most of you reading this will by now have heard about the problems being experienced by kite clubs in the UK regarding third party insurance. Does it cover flying for pleasure only or does it include displays and exhibitions to the public? What is covered, big kites, power kites, buggies, parachuting teddies, other members? You name it, it is probably not covered by some disclaimer in the small print.

For this reason and our own sanity The Ted Berets became a properly constituted club for the purpose of insurance only. As from 1st June 2010 White Horse Kite Flyers managed to get teddy parachuting included in it's overall and individual policies, so The Ted Berets dropped their insurance. It will however remain as a Club for the purposesof furthering the love of parachuting teddies. It should be noted that these policies also cover us for dropping from buildings and structures so church roofs or fire engine ladders are all OK (I have used both of these). It does however only cover for soft objects so Action Men and Cindy Dolls etc. are out. We would advise a notice to this effect at your event.

Details of the THE CONSTITUTION can be seen in these pages as can and BMISS LETTER

It has now been decided that membership will run from when you join until you leave unless some one find some other way to tax us. The cost will be free and with no restrictions. Any one wishing to join should contact ME or Jerry Swift We will continue to hold pins, patches feathers and can get various items of clothing.