I hope the pictures help to make things clearer. Any problems please contact me.
To ensure a good deployment of the 'chute I prefer to use a tube to pack it. This may be frowned upon by the purists who like to zigzag the shroud lines into elasticated loops in the pack and use a static line through the middle. I find this very difficult to do tidily and unless great care is taken something always catches and spoils the release, ending in the feared "Roman Candle". The tube method is also much quicker especially when packing in the field with people watching you fumble. Therefor this is the technique that will be described below.
Having completed your parachute from the previous section pull it out into a long sausage shape and measure the length and circumference. Add about 1cm to each dimension for hems and make a tube of ripstop this size with hems at top and bottom and a seam down the edge. Leave the edges outward so that the inside of the tube is smooth.
Stitch a length of the same line as you used for the shrouds to the seam overlap. This will act as the static line.
Now pull the 'chute and shrouds into the tube and fold it in four:
measure the dimensions of this pack.
From the material you are using for your back pack, ( I use denim but try leather cloth etc.) cut one piece the same width and 3X the length of the folded tube and a second piece the same length and 3X the width of the tube. Hem these pieces.
Lay the narrower, vertical piece over the wider, horizontal piece to form a cross. Make sure that this has equal lengths left to right and top to bottom. Mark this position on both pieces.
Sew a length of ribbon or tape centrally half way down the wide section. This will be used to suspend the bear from the drop rig.
Fold a length of elastic in half and sew this in place directly below the ribbon. This will become the harness.
Turn over material and place your bear on it. Pass the elastic lightly stretched between his legs and back over the shoulders, then half way down the material. Cut it at this length. Sew this in place on the inside of the material.Make sure the elastic is the correct way round with no twists.
At this point the tapes from the parachute must be attached to the same face close to the edge marked earlier.
The vertical section of material is now lined up over the marks made in Step4 and sewn round 3 sides.
From an old ice cream container or similar cut a section of flat plastic that will just fit in between the two layers of material. Insert this and sew up the fourth side of the pack. This is not essential but adds some stiffening to the pack to give it a better form and improved release.
Now sew a loop of line on to one of the horizontal flaps on the pack.
With the parachute and shrouds in the tube and folded in four, fold the top and bottom flaps over the 'chute and then the left and right ones. Mark where the loop of line meets the opposite flap and make a small hole through the material and fit an eyelet.
At this point it is best to prepare your release pin. I use old knitting needles bought from a charity shop. The pin should be about 10cm long with a point at one end. Cut a small grove round the pin at the other end and drill a hole through it close to the point. This will take the safety clip.
Pass the loop through the eyelet from Step12 and put the pin from Step 13 through the loop.
The static line sewn to the tube in Step1 should be out of the top of the pack. Tie this round the groove in the pin and fix in place using a spot of glue. Ensure that you leave enough slack so that the pin can be pulled clear of the loop.
Fit the parachute to the bear and suspend it by the ribbon attached in Step5. Cut off this ribbon about 5cm above the head of the bear and fold it back to form a loop. Sew across this loop and fit it with a split ring.
You are now ready to go Fauna bombing. Suspend the Fauna from your rig by the split ring, remove the safety pin from the release pin and attach it to a fixed point on your rig. That's it. Happy bombing. But if your bear starts singing soprano you have got the elastic too tight!
The same technique can be used for any Fauna, Flora, Fungi or what ever takes your fancy as every thing is done by measuring against it with no hard and fast rules once the 'chute is completed. The harness I have used is the simplest and you can come up with many variations to suit yourself and your bear.